'Pro-Vision International' (PVI) is an international Christian, non-denominational, Missions Serving Agency committed to the upliftment of disadvantaged communities, materially and spiritually, through an in depth process of leader-mentorship. PVI seeks to give glory to God by using the m-cubed mode “Mentoring, Management and Means” to encourage national leaders in three focus areas: Pioneer Church Planting; Care and Protection of Orphaned Children; and Mercy Ministry when disaster shatters lives.
PVI's Mozambican partner, PRO-VISAO MOCAMBIQUE / PRO-VISION MOZAMBIQUE, is led by Mark and Les Harper, and their team.
Pro-Visao Mocambique (PVM)
- Pioneer Church Planting: - encourage pioneer evangelists, supplying transport, Bibles, translated audio and written Bible studies
- Care and protection of orphaned children:
- equip churches and Christian teachers for Child Evangelism and Child Protection and anti-trafficking. - Mercy Ministry
- mobilise Christian leaders forMinistry in crisis such as ‘Preaching in Practice’ in cyclone relief housing and feeding Practical support:
- with the help of our partner churches, we do projects such as building houses for orphans, providing water supply or medical care as needed, and initiating church-based preschools or Sunday Schools.
- train leaders for evangelism and missions.
1 - Pioneer Church Planting
TOOLS we offer to visionary leaders
- Community Bible Study and Emmanuel, or other Bible Study and discipleship material,
- access
to and training for facilitators of Liveschools including mobile video schools
- send out a local church's own Mozambican National missionaries through the 28-course video Missionary training course and equipment,
- and other types of care and practical help, depending on the need of the individual leader.
RESOURCES we source
- Free Foundations of
Faith (Basic Discipleship) Bible studies in Portuguese, Chichewa and
Changana from Emmanuel Press in White River
- email: for a partnership agreement and marking grids for exams, - 'Truth Unlocked', 'Crossways' and 'Cross Check'
Portuguese studies and leaflets
- our team is busy translating into Sena, Chewa, Makhua and Lomwe,
- from Projecto Mocambique, email: - purchase Community Bible Studies training and
- cost is around 180mtn for a 3 volume book study - contact Luis Muianga whatsapp +258 84 637 7406 - purchase or donate Bibles: a Portuguese Bible here costs 290mtn but local language Bibles cost between 700mtn and 800mtn each.
- purchase or donate audio Bibles: we pre-record SD cards with the Bible in local languages and then insert into on a small cell phone. Cost is 1100mtn per unit.
- to reach the lost
- do pioneer church planting
- would like to mobilize prepared workers for the Harvest
- arrange training for you or your school facilitator,
- assist you in registering a Portuguese Liveschool video school,
- assist with arranging the purchase and packing and distribution of bibles or resources as above.
2 - Care and protection of orphaned children
We mobilise the church to care for and embrace vulnerable children and
orphans in loving Christian families through Orphan Sunday. PVM has a
small family model project called the 'Fathers House'. It is a place
of safety to enable a small number of Royal Treasures (orphans) to get the
education and nurturing which can potentially help them escape a cycle
of poverty. We try to support family based care through training
potential foster and adoptive parents or church members.
We train teachers and pre-school monitors to run church based
Christian Early Childhood Development Centres or pre-schools for kids
aged 4-6, as well as train Sunday School teachers.
We, along with Africa para Cristo (Noe whatsapp +258840385735) also run 2 day Protective Behaviour seminars aiming to protect young children from abuse, violence and trafficking.
- The Child Protection (Protective Behaviours) child workbook is available online in English and Portuguese. These 16 life-skill lessons are aimed at protecting children without making them fearful or giving them a burden of sexual knowledge they are too young to carry. The training course for the implementors of this course takes two days, full time, and is suitable for parents, teachers and care-givers working with children.
- The TRAFFICK WISE resource is only available in Portuguese. It is a sad fact that Mozambique has the 2nd worst statistic for premature marriage in Africa, and trafficking is a tragic reality, both to and from Mozambique. May this resource help to educate, combat and prevent this terrible evil.
- You can find the above document online on our website: click here - resources
- Orphan Sunday is in November each year and activity and snack boxes are given to bless a family of orphans or vulnerable children. The box includes a washcloth, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and a card game, car and small doll, small notebook, colour pencils and wax crayons. Donations in cash or kind towards these boxes are welcome. Volunteers can assist with the packing and distribution.
- Clothing parcels, blankets, toys (incl. educational toys), stationery etc are always needed in the rural communities.
- Kids ministry teams can visit and present Bible games or fun Bible story plays and paper craft activities around a Bible theme or verse in one of our preschools or Rural Community Bible Study groups.
To sponsor or hold a 2 day protective behaviour seminar: dates, venue and costs of training and materials can be discussed by email on
- Volunteers are welcome to visit and support teachers in preschools and communities. Volunteers are prevented from helping physically with the Father's House children as this breaks the chain of authority and security with the care givers and makes all vulnerable to abuse or trafficking.
- We are grateful for prayers for the children and the dedicated Mozambican men and women who positively impact traumatised orphans and vulnerable children through soup kitchens, kids' clubs or education.
Dates, venues and costs of training and materials for the Protective Behaviour seminars can be discussed by email on
3 - Mercy Ministry
Our Mercy Ministry is on an an hoc basis in times of crises. We have assisted in times of cyclone and drought devastation and most recently with the influx of
refugees in the North (Cabo Delgado and Nampula) due to the terrorist threats and attacks. These crises bring great suffering to the
poorest communities. 'PEP' Pregação em Prática or 'Preaching with
Actions' is how we assist in these times. We, together with assistance from volunteers, donations and contributions, make a
difference through a hot meal, a loving word of encouragement
and scripture and practical help.
Ways to assist is through:
- Volunteers who would physically like to assist with collecting, packing and distribution of goods
- Donations and contributions towards a hot meal, blankets, clothing, basic food and cooking kits, agricultural help such as seeds and hoes to replant after floods have destroyed a Community's livelihood.
- Share the Gospel and Hope in Christ in these circumstances in partnership with local churches and Christian's in the area affected
4 - Practical Support
Les Harper -
Mark Harper -
God’s Word for all – Time with Mark and Lesley...
Xai Xai was an area we never really knew during the years we lived in Mozambique. So, it’s quite amazing that in our sixties, with friends of ours retiring, that God has opened new doors - the Lord indeed moves in interesting ways! Because, through contacting Carol for printing, we found ourselves meeting Mark and Lesley for the first time in February. This was followed by an amazing week as we helped them distribute literature to some of the Shangana speaking people out in the bush; then met local church leaders in Xai Xai, and attended a showing of the Jesus film which brought back memories for us.
Mark and Lesley have a vision - for literature to be available, in more languages, to open up God’s precious Word, the Bible, for all people. It’s a vision we share! We therefore pray that, together, we can prepare further material that the Holy Spirit can use to enable many more to know Him. So, let’s all get beside Mark and Lesley, and help see this fulfilled for God’s glory.
The Lord opened another amazing opportunity for me at Pro-Visao where I did what Father Called me to do: evangelise and training to evangelise and to carry effectively and passionately The Living Word and Testimony of our LORD Jesus Christ to the world. We, as a team, worked together training and equipping pastors and leaders. I had the most awesome experiences with the team, especially in Beira, where I assisted in Mercy Ministry as well as community evangelism. I will never forget my time with them and how our Lord shone His light on His people. May Pro-Visao continue to be blessed in their calling and God-given vision.
The Scholtz family came as volunteers to help us with a camp and a clothing and Christmas gift distribution. This is what they had to say: "We, the Scholtz family from Stellenbosch South Africa joined Les and Mark Harper on a Youth camp at Xai-Xai, Mozambique in our winter school holiday. The journey visiting the mission was positive on so many levels. Mark and Les are the kindest people. Their love and care for the orphans, to witness the joy and partake in the spiritual and emotional growth of the orphans have touched and changed each of us. Les and Mark are like God's arms of love, hope and mercy to the lonely and destitute in Mozambique. It was truely a great and enriching blessing for us to visit them."